Saturday, March 8, 2014

The benefits of body weight yraining for Children

Sports, especially the fundamental exercises involved in body weight training provide tremendous benefits for children. Depending on the selection of exercises strength, flexibility, speed, balance, coordination, power and discipline can all be increased.


Body weight training provides a chance for young people to increase their activity and to teach them to step away from the video games.By selecting an appropriate routine for any specific age and skill level all children can benefit from this type of exercise. It can be as simple as playing on the monkey bars or pull ups in a tree. Not only does this get children out of the house and off the couch it fosters a lifestyle of health and fitness.


Children who participate in physical activity are likely to have better self-esteem due to the fact that they are in better physical condition than they wold be if they spent all their time sitting around eating junk food.


Participation in weight bearing activities -- Body weight training -- can develop strong, healthy bones. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that weight bearing exercises help promote bone density. Increased bone density is important for helping young individuals grow.


Whenever I start anyone on a exercise routine I always have them stretch before and after training. This does not have to be long and drawn out to the point of boredom just a few basic stretches beforehand to get loosened up prior to physical activity and a few minuets at the end to unwind.


Kids that start any type of sports at a young age develop tend to stay involved as they grow older. Because these kids are staying involved in a sport that directly affects the way their bodies look and work they are less likely to get involved in smoking, drugs and alcohol. They will also be more in touch with the way their bodies respond to junk food and will develop much better eating habits.

Laying A foundation

A solid body weight training program that progresses as a child ages lays a strong foundation for a future of sports and physical activity.

In Conclusion

It is a great idea to get children into some type of body weight training routine program as early as possible. This type of fitness does not require any financial burden on the parents.It is easy to implement a body weight training routine. Your children will benefit for years to come. It is also possible for you to join them and loose some of those unwanted pounds also.

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