Saturday, March 8, 2014

Will Americans ever Submit To Mandatory population Control?

The other day, we are having an interesting conversation at our think tank about exactly how many people could live in the United States comfortably without running out of resources. We were a little concerned because of some of the reports which had come out about how populations around the planet were overfishing our oceans, polluting air, running out of fresh water, and soon someday in the future fossil fuels. In many parts of the world overpopulation has already occurred. In the United States we don't see it because everything seems to be all right.

Still, this doesn't mean we should rest on our laurels, because if we continue to allow new immigrants into our country, and they along with us continue to have more babies, eventually we will run out of resources ourselves, and if the rest of the world is having trouble feeding themselves, they won't have any excess to send our way - at any price we might pay. Are you beginning to understand the problem? Now then, how many people can America hold, and what do we do when we reach our limits? Specifically will Americans ever submit to some sort of coercive or mandatory birth and population control?

One of our Supreme Court justices has nine offspring. If each one of those kids has nine more kids and so on, in a four or five generations that will equal a huge number. Suffice to say that everyone probably shouldn't do that, but Justice Scalia's excuse was; "What can I say, I am Catholic?" Okay so, therein lies another problem, and let's just call it religion or culture. We also know that Hispanic immigrants typically have more children, the Mormons have quite a number of kids, and we have other groups and cultures within our own society that seem to enjoy having large numbers of offspring.

In the future that just might not be possible. But would our citizens agree to only having two children per family therefore we would have zero population growth? Well it might surprise you to learn that 75% of Chinese approve the one-child rule, as per a 2011 Pew Research Survey. Of course, most of the people in China are of no religion, so they don't have the religious bias, and they are used to heavy-handed government telling them how to live, and what to do, indoctrinating them from very early age that this extreme authoritarian rule is for their own good.

My question is would that work here in the United States considering that Americans are so independent by nature. They don't like big government, and they certainly don't like being told what to do. So, one has to ask if mandatory population birth control would ever be possible here at home. Please consider all this and think on it.

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